Dalia Sternberg Ph.D | Bibliotherapist and Psychotherapist | 054-46464208
Bibliotherapy and Psychotherapy
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Parent Counselling
My work with children and parents is based on my holistic approach, my educational and professional training and my life experiences. I have many years of personal and professional experience of working with children with special needs.
Parent counselling is part of therapy with children.
The aim of parent counselling is to help parents help their children and themselves.
Dyadic Therapy
Dyadic therapy involves meeting the child, each week alternately, with one of the parents.
In addition, there are sessions between therapist and the parents which aim at observing together and working through the different dynamics between child-parent, in order to improve the well being of the child as well as the parents.
One To One Sessions Integrating DBT and EMDR
A psychotherapeutic relationship is a mutual but not equal relationship. The focus of the relationship is on the patient, and for the patient, and the interaction takes place in a safe and intimate atmosphere.
Therapy in children includes parent counselling which is conducted in separate meetings.
Group Therapy
A group setting is an invitation to enjoy the power of the group as a supportive and containing environment for personal growth. Integration of bibliotherapy and writing therapy promotes the accessibility to inner thoughts, memories and emotions that could be hidden or unknown to ourselves. I invite you to participate in a bibliotherapy and writing therapy groups and go through an exciting and meaningful personal experience.
Bibliotherapy and Writing Therapy Groups:
Going on a personal meaningful journey in an intimate and safe group environment, into which I introduce poetic and other kinds of texts to relate to.